Week of 11/13/2022 to 11/19/2022

Important Totals

All Files Served 58 125,164 7 View Chart
Page Views 58 125,164 7 View Chart
Home Page Views 58 125,164 0 View Chart

Executive Summary

0 unique visitors came to the site, as determined by typical behavior of browsers with a non-rotating IP address and including a projection of the true number of visitors with rotating IP addresses.

The web site received 7 visits. A typical visitor examined 0.00 distinct files before leaving the site. A typical visit lasted for 0.00 minutes. The longest visit lasted for 0 minutes.

The web server was visited by 0 distinct users accepting cookies, as determined by individual user-identifying "cookies" received at least twice.

Visitors came from 40 distinct Internet addresses.

The web server delivered 1 unique documents one or more times each.

1 distinct types of documents were delivered.

The web server was visited by 0 distinct authorized users. Authorized users are required to log into the web server with a specific name and password.

0 distinct Internet web sites were accessed via the proxy server.

There were 2 requests for documents which did not exist on the web server. The web server was linked to by 1 distinct pages on other web servers.

The web server was linked to by one or more pages found on 0 distinct web sites.

0 distinct search keywords were used to locate documents on the web server via Internet search servers, such as Altavista(tm) and Yahoo(tm).

0 distinct Internet search servers were used to reach the site.

Visitors used 5 distinct web browsers and other web access programs to reach the web server. Visitors used 4 distinct operating systems on their computers. Visitors followed a total of 0 distinct, non-trivial "trails" among the documents found on the web server.

Produced by Wusage 8.0