Week of 5/15/2022 to 5/21/2022: Top 12 of 12 Referring Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://killerkowalskis.com 151 71.56 1,112,958 93.18
2 https://www.google.com 23 10.90 49,634 4.16
3 http://www.baidu.com 15 7.11 0 0.00
4 http://misc.yahoo.com.cn 6 2.84 0 0.00
5 http://ww.killerkowalskis.com 5 2.37 6,158 0.52
6 http://www.sogou.com 3 1.42 6,474 0.54
7 http://dailytalkforum.com 2 0.95 2,213 0.19
8 http://www.ddtdigest.com 2 0.95 4,316 0.36
9 http://www.statemaster.com 1 0.47 8,287 0.69
10 http://srchs.com 1 0.47 2,158 0.18
11 https://wrestling101.com 1 0.47 0 0.00
12 https://www.bing.com 1 0.47 2,158 0.18